School inspections are geared toward
- Providing an independent external evaluation of the quality and standards of a school.
- Promoting a culture of rigorous self-evaluation which will inform school improvement
- Telling parents and other stakeholders about the quality of education at the school.
- Informing the GoJ and MoE about standards in the schools
The Inspection Process is divided into four phases: Sensitization, Pre-Inspection, Inspection and Quality Assurance.

This is the first phase of the inspection process where principals and Senior Management Teams (SMTs) from the schools are hosted at information- sharing meetings. Members of the NEI Team provide information about the inspection process and answer questions from schools. Sensitization sessions are conducted regionally. The purpose of the session is:
- to strengthen the awareness and purpose of the National Education Inspectorate (NEI)
- to provide an overview of the inspection process
- to respond to questions and comments on the Inspection Process
- to strengthen partnership and trust between the NEI and its clients
All schools must be sensitized before pre-inspection.
The school is visited by Inspector(s) who conduct interviews with the Principal, Board Chairman and other members of the school. A tour of the school is also conducted. Here, the school is also asked to submit its self-evaluation and other documents.
The School Inspection is conducted over 2 or 3 days depending on the student population. The school is assessed using the framework of the NEI with particular focus given to key indicators. The Lead Inspector then submits a draft report to the NEI.
During this process the draft report is checked to ensure consistency and that it meets the quality standards of the organisation. After quality assurance, the draft inspection report is then sent back to the school for their review and response. Every school has the responsibility to respond to the NEI so that their concerns can be appropriately addressed.
After the schools respond to their draft inspection report, then reports are the finalized and published on NEI's website.