Term: education in Jamaica
55 found
National Education Inspectorate (NEI) News feed

Reformation - B.B. Coke High School Cuts Shift System, Offers More Subjects And Co-Curricular Activities

Posted on 10/2/2017

These days, the B.B. Coke High School in Junction, St Elizabeth, no longer faces repeated requests for the transfer of students placed there through the Grade Six Achievement Test. That reflects brighter days for the school, which has been turning around its performance and image since receiving a rating of 'unsatisfactory' from the National Education Inspectorate (NEI) in January 2015.

B.B. Coke High School
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate
education in Jamaica
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
National Education Inspectorate
School inspection in Jamaica
School Inspection Report
St. Elizabeth

Dramatic Improvement At Christiana Moravian Primary And Infant

Posted on 10/2/2017
Forty-two percentage points improvement in numeracy is dramatic, even if it is achieved during a five-year period - 2012-2106. This is what the efforts of the teachers at the Christiana Moravian Primary and Infant School have produced in the Grade Four Numeracy Test. In addition, the school has achieved 24 percentage points improvement in the Grade Four Literacy Test for the same period.
Christiana Moravian Primary and Infant School
education in Jamaica
Grade Four Numeracy Test
National Education Inspectorate
Parent Math Club

Dramatic Improvement At Christiana Moravian Primary And Infant

Posted on 10/2/2017
Forty-two percentage points improvement in numeracy is dramatic, even if it is achieved during a five-year period - 2012-2106. This is what the efforts of the teachers at the Christiana Moravian Primary and Infant School have produced in the Grade Four Numeracy Test. In addition, the school has achieved 24 percentage points improvement in the Grade Four Literacy Test for the same period.
Christiana Moravian Primary and Infant School
education in Jamaica
Grade Four Numeracy Test
National Education Inspectorate
Operation Turnaround
Parent Math Club

Ferncourt Flying High - Middle Managers Leading Turn Around At St Ann-Based School

Posted on 10/2/2017
Stung by its place next to the bottom of the effective school ranking in 2011, the administration of Ferncourt High embarked on an improvement programme which turned around the school's performance within five years and has since earned it an overall rating of 'satisfactory'.
Academic Accelerated Programme
and Mathematics
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate
education in Jamaica
Ferncourt High
National Education Inspectorate

Education Minister Upbeat as New School Year begins Today

Posted on 9/4/2017

Education Minister Senator the Hon. Ruel Reid says he is hopeful and optimistic that the country will see great improvement in the education system this year. The Minster, in his back-to-school broadcast yesterday, not only expressed optimism, but also indicated that all the necessary preparations had been made for the start of the new academic year, which begins today.

Back to School 2017
education in Jamaica
Minister of Education
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Senator the Hon Ruel Reid
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